Individual Giving

Supporting the work of the Irish Heritage Trust

Regular giving is a terrific way in which you can support the work of the Irish Heritage Trust. Supporting in this way enables us to plan and implement heritage projects which otherwise would not happen.

There are several philanthropic avenues open to you at the Trust.

Irish Heritage Guardians

Irish Heritage Guardians are small in number but take a leadership role in the work of the Trust by making a significant philanthropic contribution to the work we do. Without them much essential work would not happen, and our beautiful Irish Heritage would be much poorer as a result.

For example, individual Guardians can either support the trust in specific ways, through their philanthropic support, by assuming a leadership philanthropic role, by spearheading the support required for imaginative and unique heritage projects or initiatives or by supporting the work of the Trust as a whole.

Our Irish Heritage Guardians are our Philanthropic Leaders.

Irish Heritage Patrons

Irish Heritage Patrons are a group of donors committed to safeguarding Irish Heritage for generations to come. Accessibility to Irish Heritage is a key focus of our Patrons – their support facilitates the widest possible heritage engagement, both at home and abroad.

For example, individual Irish Heritage Patrons can support Trust Properties and projects that best reflect their heritage interests, whilst simultaneously furthering the mission and objectives of the Trust.

Our Patrons have a very important role to play at the Trust – without them we would be unable to share, inspire and provide access to Irish Heritage in the ways we would wish.

Irish Heritage Custodians

Irish Heritage Custodians are passionate and enthusiastic philanthropists and assume a personal responsibility to take care of our heritage. Our Heritage Custodians do this in ways which are meaningful for them and impactful for the Trust and its heritage mission.

Individual Heritage Custodians articulate their support for heritage activities by making the Trust its philanthropic partner of choice. Together, the Trust and its Irish Heritage Custodians identify ways in which their philanthropic support can conserve and protect those heritage areas which mean the most to them.

Our Heritage Custodians are wonderful advocates for the parts of our shared heritage which need their support and their voice. Their interest and philanthropic engagement enable the Trust and its properties to advance much more quickly in its important heritage work.

Irish Heritage Ambassadors

Irish Heritage Ambassadors make up the core of our philanthropic family. They represent the ideals of heritage preservation, conservation, education and access. They do this through their philanthropic support and by encouraging others to get involved in Irish Heritage.

Individual Irish Heritage Ambassadors take an active philanthropic role in Irish Heritage. They are a part of a group of philanthropists whose combined impact bring about real change and advancement.

Irish Heritage Ambassadors can support a particular Trust property, access initiative or educational partnership activity.

Our Properties

We manage and care for Fota House, Arboretum & Gardens, Johnstown Castle Estate & Gardens, and Strokestown Park House & Gardens, as well as the National Famine Museum, the Irish Agricultural Museum and thanks to the generosity of Fingal County Council, we are thrilled to be establishing a significant cultural hub at No.11 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1 (the headquarters of the Irish Heritage Trust) which will be used by a wide variety of educational, arts, cultural and heritage organisations in a historic building that can be enjoyed by the public for generations to come. All of these enchanting properties are managed on behalf of the community on a non-profit basis.

Individual Giving is all about sustainability. Predictable and reliable philanthropic support enables the Irish Heritage Trust to plan and undertake hugely impactful projects which would not otherwise happen.


The Irish Heritage Trust is an independent registered charity governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees and guided by the Code of Good Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland.

Charity Regulatory Authority Number: 20061609

Revenue Charity Number: 16848

VAT Number: 9571484R

Company Registration Office Number: 422959

Contact the Irish Heritage Trust Philanthropy Department

If you would like to talk to us about philanthropy, finance or governance at the Irish Heritage Trust, please contact us below:


Daniel Stanford, Deputy Company Secretary


Ciaran Griffith, Finance Officer

Donations & Data Enquiries

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